Hello there.
My name is Emily, and I live in Philadelphia, PA with my fiance and two cats. Some of my fondest memories of growing up are spending Sundays in the kitchen with my Mom and sisters making potions. Fast forward more than two decades later, and I still love making potions, this time edible ones. Mealtime has always played a significant role in my family as it was often the only time we would get a chance to slow down and savor one another's company. These days are no different, and I'm finding that even a meal alone can be an opportunity to nourish the body, mind, and spirit. This blog is a little branch of my tree of life. A tree that needs nourishing, and a tree that grows, a tree that sways with the all of the elements, but stays rooted and true. I'll share with you the recipes I prepare in my own kitchen and some of those adventures I have outside my space as I live life, relishing all those moments, sweet and savory. I hope I inspire you to revel in the beauty of life. Thanks for reading.
Food Philosophy
My food philosophy is rooted in whole foods, those that can bring the most positive energy to my body and soul. That means whole grains, beans and legumes, lots of fruits and vegetables, and a variety of nuts and other healthy fats. The darkest of dark chocolate also makes a daily appearance. I do eat dairy and meat, although I try to source locally and eat organic when I cook at home. I also eat at restaurants and out with friends and family where this is not always possible. I enjoy experiencing the creations of other chefs and celebrating other cultures through their food. Spending time with loved ones out to eat or eating the food they took care to provide is often more important than making sure the salad greens are local and organic. I allow for flexibility because being too rigid with any philosophy is burdensome. I find I am the most balanced this way, and while certain days and weeks are more balanced than others, it's a balance I strive for.
Why Nourishing Matters
“We join spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move.
We shape clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.
We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.
We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.”
We can nourish and nurture our physical self, doing things such as eating a wholesome nutritious diet, exercising, sharing time with friends and family, and experiencing new cultures. All of these things, these matters, matter. They are important in creating the space in which our spirit within can thrive, making us happier, more present, more fulfilled, and more compassionate towards the world around us.
Contact Me
If you are interested in sending me a note, a comment, or a suggestion, you can email me at info[at]nourishing-matters[dot]com. I look forward to hearing from you.
(above photo by Grace Dickinson)